Abbeville, Georgia Police Station Information
The crime rate in Abbeville is 63 percent less than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are roughly 2.84 crimes that occur per day in Abbeville. Living in Abbeville, you have approximately a 1 in 97 chance that you may be a victim of a crime. Overall, the number of crimes in the city have decreased by 4 percent.
The reported annual crime rate in Abbeville per 100,000 people was 1,037, which is significantly less than the 3,402 per 100,000 people reported in the state of Georgia. Per 100,000 residents, there were 143.1 assaults, 143 violent crimes, 429.2 burglaries, 357.7 thefts, 107.3 vehicle thefts, and 894 property crimes.
Abbeville is ranked at an A+ for being a safe city and good city to live in. The city itself is 72% safer than other cities in the United States.
The Abbeville Police Department is home to six police officers who serve over 2,000 residents in the city. The current Chief of Police is John Hendley.
Abbeville Police Department Address:
215 S Depot St.
Abbeville, GA 31001-4354
Phone Number: (229) 467-3200
The Abbeville Police Department uses the Wilcox County Jail. They can be reached at (229) 467-2322.
Abbeville Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 215 S Depot St
City: Abbeville
State: GA
Zip Code: 31001-4354
County: Wilcox County
Phone #: 229-467-3200
Fax #: 229-467-3205
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 2000
Number of Officers: 6
Open Records Request in Abbeville, Georgia
The City Clerk is an important position within Abbeville and the current City Clerk is Beth Smith and the Assistant City Clerk is Rhonda Henderson. The role of the City Clerk is to plan, direct, manage, and oversee the services and operations that take place within the City Clerk Division in Abbeville. This individual is responsible for purchasing, records management, municipal elections, and risk management.
Wilcox County Sheriff
Lookup Warrants in Abbeville, Georgia
Warrants are maintained, issued, and carried out in Abbeville by the Wilcox County Sheriff’s Department. To check the status of a warrant or for more information, call the Wilcox County Sheriff’s Office at (229) 467-2322.