Acworth, Georgia Police Station Information
The crime rate in Acworth is about 4 percent lower than the national crime rate average. For approximately every 100,000 people that live in Acworth, there are roughly 7.48 crimes that occur daily. Residents in Acworth have a 1 in 37 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. Acworth is considered safer than 45% of other cities in the United States. The number of total year by year crimes has decreased by 10% in Acworth.
The reported annual crime rate in Acworth per 100,000 people is 2,728, which is less than the reported 3,402 reported crimes per 100,000 people in Georgia. Per 100,000 people in Acworth, there were approximately 22.3 rapes, 35.6 robberies, 133.5 assaults, 249.3 burglaries, 2,136.5 thefts, and 151.3 vehicle thefts.
Acworth is ranked a B for crime and safety. The crime rates in Acworth are about 20% lower than all crime in Georgia. In addition, Acworth’s violent crime rate is 52% lower than Georgia’s average.
The Acworth Police Department has a number of helpful departments within it that help protect residents and tourists to the city. These departments work in conjunction with one another to help keep crime rates as low as possible. The Uniformed Patrol Division is the largest department and these individuals are the first responders to 911 calls and calls from citizens. These are the individuals residents come into contact with on a regular basis. The Criminal Investigation Division works to investigate all crimes that occur within the City of Acworth. This department is comprised of detectives that investigate crimes beyond the initial contact. The Special Operations Division works closely with the other departments and also the community. This department includes the K-9 units, traffic control units, narcotics investigations, and more.
The Chief of Police at the Acworth Police Department is Chief Wayne Dennard. He took office in April of 2012. The mission of the Acworth Police Department is to serve the local community through professionalism, proactive policing, and community partnerships.
Acworth Police Department Address:
4440 Acworth Industrial Dr.
Acworth, GA 30101-5655
Phone Number: (770) 974-1232
The Acworth Police Department uses the Acworth Detention Center. The visitation schedule for men is Saturday from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. The visitation schedule for women is Sunday from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Prior to visitation, all visitors will need to be approved and sign a consent form, which can be done Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM.
Acworth Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 4400 Acworth Industrial Dr
City: Acworth
State: GA
Zip Code: 30101-5655
County: Cobb County
Phone #: 770-974-1232
Fax #: 770-974-7515
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 5200
Number of Officers: 23
Open Records Request in Acworth, Georgia
Open Records Requests should be directed to the City Clerk’s Office. Regina Russell is the current City Clerk and is the custodian of records. Requests can also be submitted online.
Acworth City Clerk Contact:
Phone Number: (678) 801-4024
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Acworth, Georgia
Warrants are issued, maintained, and carried out by the Acworth Police Department. To check the status of a warrant or for more information about a warrant, call the Acworth Police Department at (770) 974-1232.