Adairsville, Georgia Police Station Information
The city of Adairsville has an overall crime rate that is approximately 10% higher than the total national average. While this may alarm you, Adairsville is considered to be safer than 37% of the cities in the United States. For every 100,000 residents, there are roughly 8.55 crimes committed daily and as a resident in Adairsville, you have a 1 in 33 chance of being a victim of a crime. The year to year crimes in Adairsville have dropped by about 3%.
The number of reported crime incidents in Adairsville per 100,000 people is 3,122. The Georgia reported crime average per 100,000 people is 3,402. Per 100,000 residents in Adairsville, there are 62.4 robberies, 187.3 assaults, 478.8 burglaries, 2,206.5 thefts, and 187.3 vehicle thefts. The Adairsville overall crime rate is 8% lower than the Georgia average. In regard to violent crimes, Adairsville is 37% lower than the Georgia violent crime average.
The city of Adairsville has received a C+ rating for crime and safety within the city.
The Adairsville Police Department’s mission is to safeguard the lives and properties of residents within the city. The department works to reduce crime and eliminate the fear of crime in the city. The current Chief of Police is Mike Jones.
Adairsville Police Department Address:
100 Public Sq.
Adairsville, GA 30103-2910
Phone Number: (770) 773-7778
The Adairsville Police Department uses the Bartow County Jail, which is run by the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office. They can be reached at (770) 382-5050.
Adairsville Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 100 Public Sq
City: Adairsville
State: GA
Zip Code: 30103-2910
County: Bartow County
Phone #: 770-773-7778
Fax #: 770-773-2585
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 3100
Number of Officers: 10
Open Records Request in Adairsville, Georgia
The City Clerk is an important role in Adairsville, GA. The clerk is responsible for many of the day-to-day functions within the municipal government. Some of the duties of the City Clerk include risk management, purchasing for the city, and municipal elections. The current City Clerk of Adairsville is Lisa Donald.
Adairsville City Clerk Contact:
Phone Number: (770) 773-3451 x106
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Adairsville, Georgia
Warrants are issued, maintained, and carried out by the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office for the Adairsville Police Department. In addition, the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office handles the apprehension of subjects who do have warrants, indictments, and protective orders. To check on the status of a warrant or to learn more about current and past warrants, call the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office at (770) 382-5050.