Adel, Georgia Police Station Information
The crime rate in Adel, GA is significantly higher than in other places. In fact, the overall crime rate in the city is 138% higher than the total national average. Adel is safer than only 3% of other cities in the United States. Out of 100,000 residents, there are roughly 18.51 crimes that occur daily and as a resident, you have a 1 in 15 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. The year over year crime rate has increased by 29%.
The reported annual crime rate in Adel per 100,000 people is 6,757, which is almost double the reported crimes in Georgia at 3,402 per 100,000 people. Per 100,000 people in Adel, there were 56.5 rapes, 357.6 robberies, 489.4 assaults, 1,336.3 burglaries, 4,366.6 thefts, and 150.6 vehicle thefts.
Adel has been ranked an F for crime and safety. The annual crime rate data suggests that the crime rate in Adel is 99% higher than the average of all of Georgia and 138% higher than the national average. Adel’s violent crime rate is 127% higher than the Georgia average.
The Adel Police Department is responsible for protecting the residents within the city limits. The Police Department includes a Patrol Division which is made up of uniformed officers who respond to calls for help from the residents in Adel, a Criminal Investigation Division, which investigates any felony crimes, and a K-9 Unit that is responsible for aiding officers in the search for criminal, drugs, and missing individuals.
The current Chief of Police is Chad Castleberry. Major Audie Rowe is the Assistant Chief. The Adel Police Department is committed to service, integrity, and respect.
Adel Police Department Address:
204 E. 3rd St.
Adel, GA 31620-2709
Phone Number: (229) 896-2224
The Adel Police Department uses the Cook County Jail. Visiting hours at the jail begin with females on Saturday from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM and males with the last names A through L on Saturday from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Sunday, males with last names beginning with M through Z have visiting hours from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. The Cook County Jail is home to approximately 1,800 inmates and receives a daily average of 114 inmates. For information or questions, residents can reach the Cook County Jail at (229) 896-7471.
Adel Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 204 E 3rd St
City: Adel
State: GA
Zip Code: 31620-2709
County: Cook County
Phone #: 229-896-2224
Fax #: 229-896-7469
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 6000
Number of Officers: 14
Open Records Request in Adel, Georgia
The City Clerk of Adel is responsible for handling open records requests. The current City Clerk is Rhonda Rowe.
Contact City Clerk:
112 N. Parrish Avenue
Adel, GA 31620
(229) 896-4504
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Adel, Georgia
Warrants are issued, carried out, and maintained by the Cook County Sheriff’s Office. The Warrants Division is responsible for all information about the current and past status of warrants. In addition, this department also handles fingerprinting services, firearm licensed, alcohol and liquor licenses, expungements, and national background checks. For more information about current warrants or information about any warrants, contact the Cook County Sheriff at (229) 896-7471.