Ashburn, Georgia Police Station Information
The overall crime rate in Ashburn is 110% higher than the total US average. For every 100,000 people, there are about 16.33 daily crimes committed in Ashburn. As a resident, you have a 1 in 17 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. The number of year over year crimes has increased by 150%.
Ashburn is rated an F for crime and safety and is only safer than 2% of cities in the United States. The annual crime rate for Ashburn is 75% higher than the crime rate in all of Georgia. When it comes to violent crimes, Ashburn is 168% higher than the violent crime rate in Georgia and 176% higher than the average national violent crime rate.
Per 100,000 people, Ashburn has 5,962 crimes reported annually, which is significantly higher than the Georgia average of 3,402 and the national average of 2,837. Out of those crimes and per 100,000 people, 79.9 were rapes, 186.3 robberies, 798.5 assaults, 1,197.8 burgaries, 3,593.3 thefts, and 106.5 vehicle thefts.
The Ashburn Police Department is dedicated to protecting and serving the citizens of Ashburn and strives to uphold all city ordinances and state laws. The current Chief of Police is Clifford Jordan. The Ashburn Police Department patrolled 163,000 miles in one year and aided residents with ver 14,000 calls for assistance.
Ashburn Police Department Address:
121 East Madison Avenue
Ashburn, GA 31714-5273
Phone Number: (229) 567-2323
The Ashburn Police Department uses the Turner County Jail, which is operated and run by the Turner County Sheriff’s Department. They can be reached at (229) 567-2401.
Ashburn Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 121 E Madison Ave
City: Ashburn
State: GA
Zip Code: 31714-5273
County: Turner County
Phone #: 229-567-2323
Fax #: 229-567-3990
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 5000
Number of Officers: 10
Open Records Request in Ashburn, Georgia
Open Records Requests can be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office. The current City Clerk is Amanda Hill.
Contact the City Clerk:
Phone Number: (229) 567-3431
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Ashburn, Georgia
All warrants are issued, maintained, and service performed on them through the Turner County Sheriff’s Department. If you have any questions about the status of a warrant, call the Turner County Sheriff’s Department at (229) 567-2401.
The Turner County Sheriff’s Department also maintains records of registered sex offenders in the county, which includes the city of Ashburn.