Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


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Avondale Estates, Georgia Information

Avondale Estates is a city located in DeKalb County and as of the 2010 census had a population of 2,960 residents. The newest 2016 population estimate is 3,150 residents.

The current Mayor of Avondale Estates is Jonathan Elmore and the Mayor Pro-Tem is Terry Giager. Mayor Elmore took office in January 2016 after winning the election in 2015. His current term expires December 2020.

Contact Mayor Elmore:

Phone Number: (404) 644-8080

As of December 2017, there were a total of 2 registered sex offenders living in Avondale Estates. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 1,386 to 1.

Avondale Estates, Georgia Police Station Information

The crime rate in Avondale Estates is about 17% lower than the current US national average. For every 100,000 people, there are approximately 6.47 crimes committed daily in the city. As a resident of Avondale Estates, you have a 1 in 43 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. The total year over year crimes in Avondale Estates has increased dramatically.

Avondale Estates is rated an A- for crime and safety and is safer than 59% of the cities in the US. Per 100,000 people annually, there were a total of 2,362 reported crimes in Avondale Estates, which is less than the Georgia average of 3,402, and the national average of 2,837.

Of the 2,362 reported crimes per 100,000 people in Avondale Estates, there were 94.5 robberies, 566.9 burglaries, 1,606.3 thefts, and 94.5 vehicle thefts.

The governing police department in Avondale Estates is the Avondale Estates Police Department. The current Chief of Police is Lynn Thomas. The police department’s mission is to maintain public order, enforce the law, and provide safety to the residents in the community. The police department has made a commitment to community-oriented policing, which helps to strengthen the ties between the local police and residents.

Avondale Estates Police Department Address:

21 N. Avondale Rd.
Avondale Estates, GA 30002

Phone Number: (404) 294-5400

The Avondale Estates Police Department utilizes the local jail, which is run by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department. Visitors are accepted, but all visitors must be on the approved visitation list. The DeKalb County Jail uses a video visitation center for all visitations with inmates. You can contact the DeKalb County Jail at (404) 297-8100.

Avondale Estates Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 21 N Avondale Rd.
City: Avondale Estates
State: GA
Zip Code: 30002-1317
County: DeKalb County
Phone #: 404-294-5400
Fax #: 404-299-8137

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 2500
Number of Officers: 11

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Avondale Estates, Georgia

One of unique services offered in Avondale Estates is a home security check. This check is offered by the Avondale Estates Police Department and is encouraged, especially when individuals are going out of town. The police department also recommends that all individuals follow the home security inspection checklist before they leave their home for vacation.

Contact Home Security Check Team:

Phone Number: (404) 299-8137

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Avondale Estates, Georgia

All criminal and civil warrants are issued by the Magistrate Court of DeKalb County. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for providing service on the warrants throughout the county and this includes Avondale Estates. To learn more about warrants, residents can call the DeKalb County Clerk’s Office at (404) 294-2150.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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