Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Blackshear Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Blackshear, Georgia Information

Blackshear has a total population of 3,445 as of the 2010 census and is the county seat in Pierce County. The newest population estimate as of 2016 is 3,595 residents.

The current Mayor of Blackshear is Kevin Grissom. The city itself is made up of about 60% forest and offers residents and visitors with the opportunity to hunt and fish, which is strongly encouraged.

Contact Mayor Grissom:

Phone Number: (912) 449-7000

There are currently 45 registered sex offenders living in Blackshear as of January 2018. The number of residents to sex offenders is 78 to 1.

Blackshear, Georgia Police Station Information

When it comes to crime in Blackshear, the city is rated an F for crime and safety. In fact, the city’s overall crime rate is 71% higher than the total US average. For every 100,000 people, there are approximately 13.29 crimes that occur in Blackshear daily and as a resident of the city, you have a 1 in 21 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. The city is safer than 4% of cities in the US. While the city’s crime rates are quite high, the total year over year crime rates have decreased by 18%.

Per 100,000 people, Blackshear has a total of 4,850 crimes reported annually, which is higher than the Georgia average of 3,402 and the national average of 2,837. Of the 4,850 crimes reported, 83.1 were robberies, 1,053.2 assaults, 415.7 burglaries, 3,242.8 thefts, and 55.4 vehicle thefts. These stats indicate that there were 1,136 violent crimes committed and 3,714 property crimes committed annually per 100,000 people.

The Blackshear Police Department is tasked with protecting and serving the residents in the city. The current Chief of Police is Chris Wright.

Blackshear Police Department Address:

219 Nichols Street
Blackshear, GA 31516

Phone Number: (912) 449-7011

The Blackshear Police Department uses the Pierce County Detention Center, which is operated and maintained by the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. The detention center can be reached at (912) 449-2011.

Blackshear Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 219 Nichols Street
City: Blackshear
State: GA
Zip Code: 31516-1922
County: Pierce County
Phone #: 912-449-7011
Fax #: 912-449-7012

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 3500
Number of Officers: 14

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Blackshear, Georgia

Blackshear, Georgia is a thriving city that is proud to provide a wonderful place to live for its residents. The city has a City Clerk who is an important asset to Blackshear. The current City Clerk is Jenny Grant and she is responsible for being the official keeper of the city’s records and history. She is also responsible for all agendas and meeting minutes for the committee minutes.

Contact Blackshear City Clerk:

Phone Number: (912) 449-7000

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Blackshear, Georgia

All warrants in Blackshear, GA are maintained and issued by the Magistrate Court in Pierce County. The Magistrate Court is responsible for handling all civil and criminal warrants. All warrants are serviced by the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department in conjunction with the Blackshear Police Department. For more information about any current or past warrants, contact the Magistrate Court at (912) 449-2027.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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