Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Blakely Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Blakely, Georgia Information

Blakely is located in Early County and as of the 2010 census had a total estimated population of 5,068. As of the 2016 population estimate, there were approximately 4,702 residents.

The current Mayor of Blakely is Travis Wimbush. Mayor Wimbush was elected in 2019 as the city’s first black mayor.

Contact Mayor Howard:

Phone Number: (229) 723-3677

As of January 2018, there were a total of 69 registered sex offenders living in the city limits. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 70 to 1.

Blakely, Georgia Police Station Information

Blakely is rated an F for crime and safety and is safer than 14% of cities in the US. The overall crime rate in the city is 4% lower than the national average. Per 100,000 people, there are approximately 7.47 crimes that occur daily and as a resident, you have a 1 in 37 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. The overall year to year crime rate has decreased by about 9%.

The overall crime rate in Blakely is 4% lower than the national average, but it is 20% lower than the Georgia average. While it seems that Blakely has a lower crime rate than the national and Georgia average, it does not share similar statistics when it comes to violent crime. In fact, Blakely has a violent crime rate that is 82% higher than the Georgia average and 87% higher than the national average.

Per 100,000 people, Blakely sees an average of 2,728 reported crimes annually. Of these reported crimes per 100,000 people, 41.3 were rapes, 62 robberies, 620 assaults, 454.6 burglaries, 1,487.9 thefts, and 62 vehicle thefts. That is a total of 723 violent crimes and 2,005 property crimes per 100,000 yearly.

The Blakely Police Department is in charge and tasked with the duty of protecting the residents in Blakely and their property. Will Caudill is the Chief of Police. In addition to the Blakely Police Department, the Early County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for providing service and protection to the residents in Blakely. The current Sheriff is William Price.

Blakely Police Department Address:

12667 Magnolia St.
Blakely, GA 39823

Phone Number: (229) 723-3414

The Blakely Police Department utilizes the Early County Sheriff’s Department to accept and house inmates who are awaiting trial, have been apprehended, and those who are serving short sentences. The Early County Detention Center can be reached at 229-723-3150.

Blakely Police Department Additional Information

Address: 12667 Magnolia St.
City: Blakely
State: GA
Zip Code: 39823
County: Early
Phone #: (229) 723-3414

Additional Information:

Type: Police Department
Population Served: 5000

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Blakely, Georgia

Open Records Requests can be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office. The current City Clerk is Melinda Crook.

Contact Blakely City Clerk:
Phone Number: 229-723-3677

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Blakely, Georgia

All warrants are issued, maintained, and serviced by the Early County Sheriff’s Office. For information or questions about warrants, call the Early County Sheriff’s Office at (229) 723-3577.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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