Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


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Blythe, Georgia Information

Blythe is a small city that is located in both Richmond and Burke Counties. As of the 2010 census, there was an estimated population of 721 residents. The city is part of the Augusta metropolitan area. The newest 2016 population estimate reports the city has approximately 694 residents.

The current Mayor of Blythe is Brent Weir. He is currently serving in office and his first term started in January 2014.

Contact Mayor Weir:

Phone Number: (706) 496-9833

There are currently 6 registered sex offenders living in Blythe, GA as of January 2018. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 120 to 1.

Blythe, Georgia Police Station Information

Blythe is considered a safe city and has received a rating of an A+ for crime and safety. The city is safer than 92% of cities within the US. The overall crime rate in Blythe is 75% lower than the US national average and for every 100,000 people, there are roughly 1.97 daily crimes that occur.

As a resident of Blythe, you have a 1 in 140 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. You have a 0 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime and a 1 in 140 chance of becoming a victim of property crime. While the city is considered safe, the year over year crime rate has increased by about 67%.

Per 100,000 people, Blythe receives an estimates 717 reports of crime annually, which is much lower than the Georgia average of 3,402 and the national average of 2,837. Of those 717 reported crimes, 0 of them are violent and all 717 are property crimes.

The city of Blythe is policed and protected by the Blythe Police Department. The current Chief of Police is Jesse T. Hornsby. Chief Hornsby has always upheld his position on treating each and every resident with respect and upholding their rights as citizens and residents.

Blythe Police Department Address:

294 Church Street
Blythe, GA 30805

Phone Number: (706) 592-6255

The Blythe Police Department uses the Charles B. Webster Detention Center, which is operated and maintained by the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office. The detention center features a 35,000 square foot inmate processing center that was opened in 2014. There is a total of 1,050 beds for inmates and the jail is staffed by approximately 150 personnel. Residents can contact the detention center at (706) 821-1101.

Blythe Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 294 Church St
City: Blythe
State: GA
Zip Code: 30805-3494
County: Richmond County
Phone #: 706-592-6255
Fax #: 706-592-0511

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 718

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Blythe, Georgia

The city of Blythe has a City Clerk who is responsible for overseeing many of the day to day functions within the city and the local government. Some of the duties of the clerk include risk management, supervising and reviewing the work performed by those on his or her staff, coordinating local activities with the city, officials, and local departments, records management, and municipal elections. The Blythe City Clerk is Loriann Chancey.

Contact Blythe City Clerk:

Phone Number: (706) 592-6255

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Blythe, Georgia

The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the issuance, service, and maintenance on all criminal and civil warrants throughout Richmond County to include Blythe, GA. Residents who have questions about any current or past warrants should contact the sheriff’s department at (706) 821-1431.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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