Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Brookhaven Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Brookhaven, Georgia Information

Brookhaven is located within the northeastern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia and lies within DeKalb County. As of the 2010 census, there were 40,456 residents, but, the newest 2016 population estimate is closer to 52,444 residents.

The current Mayor of Brookhaven is John Ernst. He was sworn into office on January 4th, 2016, and was re-elected in 2019. John grew up locally here in Brookhaven and lives in Lynwood, which is nearby.

Contact Mayor Ernst:

Phone Number: (404) 637-0710

Current records, as of January 2018, show that there are 13 registered sex offenders living in Brookhaven, GA. The ratio of residents to sex offenders is 4,034 to 1.

Brookhaven, Georgia Police Station Information

Brookhaven is rated a C+ based on local violent and property crimes that occur in the city. While this city is not considered the safest, most individuals who live here have reported that they feel like the city is relatively safe and they do not think crime impacts the quality of life that much. In addition, residents have said that they believe the police are reliable and are generally responsive.

Overall, per 100,000 people, Brookhaven sees 93 assaults, 4 murders, 10 rapes, 221 robberies, 392 burglaries, 1,762 thefts, and 281 vehicle thefts annually. The city is ranked a 31 on the violent crime index scale where 1 is the lowest amount of crime and 100 is the highest. The national average ranking for crime is 31.1, so Brookhaven is about average. The city is ranked a 32 for property crimes from 1 to 100 and the national average is a 38.1, so Brookhaven is considered to have a lower property crime index.

The Brookhaven Police Department is tasked with making sure that all city residents feel and are safe along with their property. The department has a focus on making sure to maintain order within the city limits and build relationships with residents, business owners, and community organizations. One of the main goals of the department is to increase the overall presence of law enforcement to help deter crime. The current Chief of Police is Gary Yandura. Brandon Gurley is the Deputy Chief.

Brookhaven Police Department Address:

2665 Buford Highway
Brookhaven, GA 30324

Phone Number: (404) 637-0600

The Brookhaven Police Department utilizes the DeKalb County Jail, which is operated and run by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department. All inmates are transported to and detained within the jail. To contact the jail, call (404) 298-8145.

Brookhaven Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 2665 Buford Highway
City: Brookhaven
State: GA
Zip Code: 30324
County: DeKalb
Phone #: (404) 637-0600

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 52000

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Brookhaven, Georgia

Open Records Requests must be submitted online or to the City Clerk’s Office.

Contact City Clerk’s Office:

Phone Number: (404) 637-0464

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Brookhaven, Georgia

All warrants are issued and maintained by the Magistrate Court of DeKalb County. The Magistrate can be reached at (404) 294-2150. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for carrying out and servicing all warrants in the county and within Brookhaven, GA. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department can be reached at (404) 298-8100.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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