Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Calhoun Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Calhoun, Georgia Information

Calhoun is located in Gordon County and is the county seat. The 2010 census estimated the population at 15,650; however, the newest 2016 population estimate says there are 16,445 residents living in the city.

Calhoun’s current Mayor is James F. Palmer and he serves alongside of four Council Members. The Mayor and Council Members meet a minimum of 24 times per year to pass bills, city ordinances, and more. The current Mayor Pro-Tem is George Crowley.

Contact Mayor Palmer:

Phone Number: (706) 602-5505

Sex offenders live in almost every city in the United States and Calhoun has a total of 108 registered sex offenders living within the city limits. The ratio of sex offenders to residents is 146 to 1.

Calhoun, Georgia Police Station Information

Calhoun has been rated a D for crime and safety and is safer than 28% of cities in the US. The overall crime rate is 46% higher than the US national average. For every 100,000 people, there are roughly 11.37 crimes committed daily. The year over year crime rate has decreased by about 1% annually.

As a resident in Calhoun, you have a 1 in 383 chance of becoming a victim to a violent crime, a 1 in 26 chance of becoming a victim of a property crime, and a 1 in 25 chance of becoming a victim to any type of crime in the city.

Calhoun’s violent crime rate is 34% lower than the Georgia average and 32% lower than the national average. The property crime rate is 29% higher than the Georgia average and 59% higher than the US average.

Per 100,000 people, Calhoun receives an annual 4,149 reported crimes, which is higher than the Georgia average of 3,402 and the national average of 2,837. Of those 4,149 reported crimes, 36.5 were rapes, 18.2 robberies, 206.8 assaults, 973.3 burglaries, 2,822.6 thefts, and 91.2 vehicle thefts.

The Calhoun Police Department is tasked with protecting the city’s residents, property, and visitors. The department is dedicated to providing residents with better law enforcement presence and decreasing the overall violent crime and property crime rates. The department promotes a higher level of proficiency through departmental training and updating techniques. The current Chief of Police is Tony Pyle.

Calhoun Police Department Address:

200 North Wall Street
Calhoun, GA 30701

Phone Number: (706) 629-1234

The Calhoun Police Department utilizes the Gordon County Jail, which is run and maintained by the Gordon County Sheriff’s Office. Residents can reach the jail at (706) 629-1244.

Calhoun Police Department Additional Information

Address 1: 200 North Wall Street
City: Calhoun
State: GA
Zip Code: 30701
County: Gordon
Phone #: 706-629-1234
Fax #: 706-629-1287

Additional Information:

Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 12000
Number of Officers: 49

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Calhoun, Georgia

Calhoun takes pride in being transparent to all of its residents and the city government has provided an open request records form for residents to fill out when they want to obtain copies of records. Under the open records request, residents can request papers, documents, letters, books, maps, photos, videos, and computer generated information about cases or incidents that have occurred.

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Calhoun, Georgia

All warrants are issued, maintained, and serviced by the Gordon County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Calhoun Police Department, when necessary. Residents who have questions about any current or past warrants should contact the Gordon County Sheriff’s Office at (706) 629-1244.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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