Carrollton, Georgia Police Station Information
Crime in Carrollton is considered to be bad and the city is rated an F for overall crime and safety. The city is safer than 16% of other US cities and has an overall crime rate that is 66% higher than the national average and 39% higher than the Georgia average.
In Carrollton, there are approximately 12.92 crimes committed daily per 100,000 people. As a resident of the city, you have a 1 in 22 chance of becoming of victim to any type of crime, a 1 in 193 chance of becoming a victim to a violent crime, and a 1 in 24 chance of becoming a victim to a property crime.
While the overall numbers may be shocking, it is important to note that the total crime year after year has decreased by 3%.
Per 100,000 people, Carrollton sees an average of 4,716 crimes reported annually, which is significantly higher than the 2,837 national average and the 3,402 Georgia average. Of those 4,716 crimes, 3.8 are murders, 37.6 rapes, 101.5 robberies, 376 assaults, 470 burglaries, 3,598.7 thefts, and 127.9 vehicle thefts.
The Carrollton Police Department is responsible for making sure that the residents, visitors, and properties in the city limits are safe at all times. The department wants everyone within the city limits to feel safe and each officer works hard to strengthen the ties between the residents and officers. The department runs a myriad of specialized programs to get residents involved such as Volunteers in Policing, Youth Police Academy, Citizens’ Police Academy, Crime Stoppers, Camp Special Forces, and Explorers. The current Police Chief is Joel Richards. Chris Dobbs is the Deputy Chief.
Carrollton Police Department Address:
115 West Center Street
Carrollton, GA 30117
Phone Number: (770) 834-4451
The Carrollton Police Department uses the Carroll County Jail to transport and house inmates who are awaiting processing, serving time, or waiting on a court date or transfer. You can contact the jail at (770) 830-5888.
Carrollton Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 115 West Center Street
City: Carrollton
State: GA
Zip Code: 30117-3331
County: Carroll
Phone #: 770-834-4451
Fax #: 770-834-8958
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 19000
Number of Officers: 53
Open Records Request in Carrollton, Georgia
Open Records Requests should be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office and can also be submitted online.
Contact Carrollton City Clerk’s Office:
Phone: (770) 830-2000
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Carrollton, Georgia
All warrants are issued, maintained, and serviced by the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office for the entire county, which includes Carrollton. For information or inquiries about warrants, contact the sheriff’s office at (770) 830-5888.