Cedartown, Georgia Police Station Information
Cedartown is rated an F for crime and safety and the city has an overall crime rate that is 87% higher than the US national average. The total year over year crime has been on an upward trend and has increased by 26%. Cedartown is safer than only 14% of cities in the US.
When looking at crime on its own, for every 100,000 people, there are roughly 14.54 crimes committed daily and as a resident, you have a 1 in 19 chance of becoming a victim to any crime in the city.
Per 100,000 people, there are 5,305 reported crimes annually, which is significantly higher than both the Georgia and national average, which are both below 3,500. Of those 5,305 reported crimes, 10.1 are murders, 71 rapes, 40.6 robberies, 385.5 assaults, 1,186.8 burglaries, 3,317.1 thefts, and 294.2 vehicle thefts.
The Cedartown Police Department is in charge of monitoring and keeping all residents, visitors, and properties safe throughout the city limits. The mission of the department is to ensure that everyone is kept free from physical harm or the dangers of it. The department has always made a promise that it will always be prepared to respond to any emergencies or dangers that may present themselves. The current Chief of Police is Jamie Newsome. Greg Cooper is the Assistant Chief.
Cedartown Police Department Address:
118 N. Philpot St.
Cedartown, GA 30125
Phone Number: (770) 748-4123
The Cedartown Police Department utilizes the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Jail facility. Here, inmates are housed until their transfer, to serve their sentence, or trial dates. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office can be reached at (770) 749-2900.
Cedartown Police Department Additional Information
Address 1: 118 N Philpot St
City: Cedartown
State: GA
Zip Code: 30125-2738
County: Polk County
Phone #: 770-748-4123
Fax #: 770-748-3231
Additional Information:
Type: Police Departments
Population Served: 8500
Number of Officers: 20
Open Records Request in Cedartown, Georgia
Cedartown is committed to making sure that all residents and visitors are informed as to what goes on in the city. The city has established a Public Information Office that serves as the go-to source for all information related to the city. The current Public Information Officer is Aimee H. Madden.
The mission of this office is to provide open and clear communication to the citizens of Cedartown and to keep an open line of communication between the city’s government, services, and current activities.
Contact Cedartown Public Information Office:
Phone Number: (770) 748-3220 ext. 3044
Email: amadden@cedartowngeorgia.gov
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Cedartown, Georgia
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office is tasked with issuing, servicing, and maintaining all warrants for Polk County, which includes Cedartown. All residents can direct questions about warrants to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office at (770) 749-2900.