Inmate Record Check

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Darien, Georgia Information

The City of Darien is the county seat for McIntosh County, Georgia and it is about 50 miles south of Savannah along the mouth of the Alabama River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 1,975 is the second oldest city in the state and has a total area of two square miles (all of which is land). After the U.S. Army destroyed Darien, gunboats were used to blockade the port. The troops plundered residents and plantations of McIntosh County for food, as armies lived off the land. The only defenders left in the county were a group of white men too old for military service. On the night of August 3, 1864, the county’s white defenders had met at the Ebenezer Church, nine miles north of Darien. Union troops found out about the meeting from the local enslaved people. The troops surrounded the church, opened fire, and captured 23 white men. These white men were marched to a landing near Darien, put on ships, and taken to prisons in the North. The First African Baptist Church (claimed to be the oldest African-American church in the county) was destroyed along with the rest of the town. It was rebuilt and later some meetings of the 20th-century Civil Rights Movement were held there. Following the Civil War, Darien was rebuilt, with financial aid coming in small part from the family of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. He had been killed during the War but had written to his family of his shame in participating in the destruction of Darien. Into the early 1900s, Darien was one of the largest Southeastern ports for shipping lumber. When the timber was depleted, Darien became a fishing village, known primarily for Georgia wild shrimp. It was once famous for its oysters. The city is covered by one zip code, 31305 and one area code, 912.

Darien is ranked #275 in Georgia and #17,783 in the United States with a livability score of 64, which is in the 39th percentile. The city scored best for great weather, crime, and cost of living. The average summer temperature is a comfortable 81 degrees, crime in the area is 19 percent lower than the state’s, and the cost of living is eight percent lower than the state of Georgia.

The overall crime rate in Darien is 2% lower than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 7.59 daily crimes that occur in Darien. Darien is safer than 51% of the cities in the United States. In Darien you have a 1 in 37 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. The number of total year over year crimes in Darien has decreased by 35%.

Of the factors which are used to determine the livability index, Darien does well in the areas of weather, crime, and cost of living. It scores poorly in the areas of Employment, Education, Housing and Amenities.

Mayor Hugh “Bubba” Hodge
City of Darien, Georgia
106 Washington Street
Darien GA 31305
(912) 437-6686

Darien City Mayor

Darien, Georgia Crime rates and statistics:

In 2016, the crime index in Darien, Georgia was 190.6 which was lower the United States average of 280.5.

Darien City Crime Rates

The total crime rate in Darien was 2,769 total crimes for every 100,000 residents, which is lower than the average in the state of Georgia with 3,402 total crimes per 100,000 persons, and higher than the national average of 2,837 total crimes for every 100,000 citizens.

According to our research of Georgia and other state lists there were 25 registered sex offenders living in Darien, Georgia as of June 12, 2018. The ratio of number of residents in Darien to the number of sex offenders is 115 to 1.

Darien City Sex Offenders

Darien, Georgia Police Department

Darien Police Department
104 1st W
Darien, GA 31305
Office: 912-437-6644
City Hall: 912-437-6686
Dispatching Police Officer: 912-437-6622
E-Mail Address:

Other Information about the Darien Police Department:

Chief of Police: Donnie Howard
Chief’s Office: (912)437-6644

In 2016, there were 10 full-time law enforcement employees, 10 of whom were police officers. This means that in the year 2016 in there were 5.43 police officers for every 1,000 residents in Darien, Georgia, while the state average in Georgia that same year was 2.50 officers for every 1,000 residents.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Darien, Georgia:

For record requests in Darien, Georgia, you can check this site to see what records are available and to see where your records request is if you have requested one:

Darien City Records Request Form

For records from different government agencies in McIntosh County, Georgia:

McIntosh County Clerk of Superior Court

City Clerk / Priscilla Taylor
(912)437-6686 ext 3

Darien City Clerk

Rebecca McFerrin, County Clerk
McIntosh County Court
310 Northway St.
P.O. Box 1661
Darien, GA 31305

8:00am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday
Phone: (912) 437-6641
Fax: (912) 437-6673

County Sheriff, Most Wanted, Warrant Information, Etc.

Sheriff Steve Jessup
12317 Georgia Hwy 251
Darien, Georgia 31305
Fax: 912.437.2358

McIntosh County Sheriff

McIntosh County Detention Center
12317 Georgia Hwy 251
Darien, Georgia 31305
912.437.5870 or (912) 437-6623

The mission of the McIntosh County Office of the Sheriff Detention Center is to provide safety, security and humane custody and treatment of those individuals in custody. The Sheriff’s Office provides facilities for male and female inmates awaiting trial and/or serving a sentence as punishment for a crime in which they were convicted.

For information on visitation with an inmate at the McIntosh County Jail:

McIntosh County Inmate Visitation

Most Wanted in McIntosh County

Warrants in McIntosh County

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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