Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Dawson Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Dawson, Georgia Information

The City of Dawson is the county seat for Terrell County, Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,557. Founded in 1856, the city was named for Senator William Crosby Dawson. Terrell was an important site in the 1960s, when the county in which it is located was labeled “Terrible Terrell” by the SNCC. Jackie Robinson helped raise money to rebuild three black churches that were burned in the area. Dawson is in Southwest Georgia along U.S. Route 82 and Georgia State Route 520 (Columbus Highway), which leads to Sasser, Parrott, Cuthbert and Eufaula. The city has a total area of 3.7 square miles and is covered by two zip codes (31742, 39842) and one area code, 229.

Dawson is ranked #568 in Georgia and #26,911 in the United States with a livability score of 54, which is in the 8th percentile. The city scored best for great weather and cost of living. The average summer temperature is a comfortable 80 degrees, and the cost of living is ten percent lower than the state of Georgia.

The overall crime rate in Dawson is 48% higher than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 11.49 daily crimes that occur in Dawson. Dawson is safer than 17% of the cities in the United States. In Dawson you have a 1 in 24 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. The number of total year over year crimes in Dawson has increased by 25%.

Of the factors which are used to determine the livability index, Dawson does well in the areas of weather and cost of living. It scores poorly in the areas of Employment, Education, Housing, Crime and Amenities.

Mayor Ada Lemons McIntyre
101 S Main St.
Dawson, GA 39842
(229) 995-4444

Dawson, Georgia Crime rates and statistics:

In 2016, the crime index in Dawson, Georgia was 312.2 which was higher the United States average of 280.5.

Dawson City Crime Rates

The total crime rate in Dawson was 4,195 total crimes for every 100,000 residents, which is higher than the average in the state of Georgia with 3,402 total crimes per 100,000 persons, and higher than the national average of 2,837 total crimes for every 100,000 citizens.

According to our research of Georgia and other state lists there were 52 registered sex offenders living in Dawson, Georgia as of June 12, 2018. The ratio of number of residents in Dawson to the number of sex offenders is 86 to 1.

Dawson City Sex Offenders

Dawson, Georgia Police Department Address:

Frank Thornton, Public Safety Chief
Dawson Public Safety Department
432 Crawford Street Northeast
Dawson, Georgia 39842-1279
229.995.4414 ‎

Dawson Police Dept

Other Information about the Dawson Police Department:

Chief of Police: Frank Thornton
Chief’s Office: 229.995.4414

In 2016, there were 23 full-time law enforcement employees, 16 of whom were police officers. This means that in the year 2016 in there were 3.71 police officers for every 1,000 residents in Dawson, Georgia, while the state average in Georgia that same year was 2.50 officers for every 1,000 residents.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Dawson, Georgia:

For record requests in Dawson, Georgia, you can check this site to see what records are available and to see where your records request is if you have requested one:

For records from different government agencies in Terrell County, Georgia: None

Janice Bryant, Clerk of Court
Terrell County Courthouse
235 East Lee Street
Dawson, GA 39842
8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday
Phone: (229) 995-2631
Fax: (229) 995-6453

County Sheriff, Most Wanted, Warrant Information, Etc.

Sheriff John W. Bowens

3108 Albany Highway
Dawson, GA 39842
Fax: 229-995-4301

Terrell County Sheriff

Facebook Page for the Terrell County Sheriff’s Office:

Terrell County Jail
3110 Albany Highway
Dawson, GA 39842

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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