Inmate Record Check

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East Dublin, Georgia

East Dublin is a city in central Georgia, in Laurens County. Dublin is the County Seat of Laurens County. George H. Gornto is the mayor, and the city has a population of 2,441 people. The city offices are located on Savannah Avenue.

City of East Dublin
116 Savannah Avenue
East Dublin, GA 31027

East Dublin City Website

The most recent year for which crime information is available for East Dublin is 2012, and during that year, there were no murders or rapes. There were 13 reported assaults and 1 reported robbery. There were also 21 reported burglaries, 86 reported thefts, and 1 reported auto theft. This gave the city a crime index of 323.0, which is higher than the United States national crime index of 293.8. There were 52 registered sex offenders living in East Dublin, as of June 2018.

East Dublin, Georgia – Police Station and Crime Statistics

There is limited information available about crime in East Dublin for the year 2016, but the estimated crime rate was 1,879 per 100,000 persons. This is lower than both the Georgia state crime rate of 3,402 per 100,000 persons and the United States national crime rate of 2,837 per 100,000 persons. Property crime is the most common crime in East Dublin.

The East Dublin Police Department is also located on Savannah Avenue, and the Chief of Police is W.A. Bill Luecke.

East Dublin Police Department
116 Savannah Avenue
East Dublin, GA 31027

East Dublin Police Dept

The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office is the other police department that serves the area, and the sheriff is Larry Dean. The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office is located in Dublin.

Laurens County Sheriff’s Office
511 Southern Pines Rd
Dublin, GA 31021

Laurens County Sheriff

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

East Dublin, Georgia – Open Records Requests

Open Records Requests must be submitted through the City Clerk’s Office. The City Clerk is Melissa Bassett. It’s the responsibility of the City Clerk to provide administrative services to the city and keep accurate records.

Melissa Bassett
116 Savannah Avenue
East Dublin, GA 31027

East Dublin City Clerk

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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