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Euharlee, Georgia
Euharlee is a city in northern Georgia, in Bartow County. Cartersville is the County Seat of Bartow County. Steven Worthington is the mayor of Euharlee, and the city has a population of 4,136 people. City Hall is located on Burge’s Mill Road.
City of Euharlee
City Hall
30 Burge’s Mill Road
Euharlee GA 30145
Steven Worthington, Mayor
The most recent year for which crime information is available for Euharlee is the year 2015, and in that year, there were no rapes or robberies in Euharlee. There were 19 reported assaults and 1 reported murder. There were also 20 reported burglaries, 66 reported thefts, and 4 reported auto thefts. This gave the city a crime index of 240.2, which is lower than the United States national crime index of 287.7. There were 3 registered sex offenders living in Euharlee, as of June 2018.