Flemington, Georgia – Police Station and Crime Statistics
There is limited crime information available for the year 2016 for Flemington, but the estimated crime rate was 3,159 per 100,000 persons. This is lower than the Alabama state crime rate of 3,402 per 100,000 persons, but higher than the United States national crime rate of 2,837 per 100,000 persons. Property crime is the most common crime in Flemington.
The Liberty County Sheriff’s Office is located in Hinesville, and the sheriff is Steve C. Sikes. Divisions within the sheriff’s office include civil processes, courthouse security, detectives, jail, narcotics, patrol, and training.
Liberty County Sheriff’s Office
201 South Main Street, Suite 1300
Hinesville, GA 31313
Liberty County Sheriff
The Liberty County Jail is located on Paul Sikes Drive and can house approximately 300 inmates. Major Jeff Hein is the Jail Administrator. Visitation with inmates is determined by the inmate’s location within the jail. Inmates may have up to 4 approved visitors on a list.
Liberty County Jail
180 Paul Sikes Drive
Hinesville, GA 31313
Liberty County Jail
Flemington, Georgia – Open Records Requests
Open Records Requests should be submitted to the City Clerk, Lori Taylor. It’s the City Clerk’s responsibility to ensure that accurate records are kept for the city.
Lori Taylor
156 Old Sunbury Lane
Flemington, GA 31313