Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


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Forsyth, Georgia

Forsyth is a city in Monroe County, Georgia, in central Georgia. Forsyth is the County Seat of Monroe County. Forsyth has a population of 3,788 people, and the mayor is Eric S. Wilson. The city offices are located on North Jackson Street.

City of Forsyth
200 S. Kimball Street
Forsyth, Georgia 31029
Office: (478) 994-5649
Fax: (478) 993-1002

Eric S. Wilson, Mayor

In the year 2016, there were no murders in Forsyth. There were 2 reported rapes, 3 reported robberies, and 11 reported assaults. There were also 14 reported burglaries, 114 reported thefts, and 7 reported auto thefts. This gave the city a crime index of 267.2, which is comparable to the United States national crime index of 257.7. There were 38 registered sex offenders living in Forsyth, as of June 2018.

Forsyth, Georgia – Police Station and Crime Statistics

In the year 2016, there were 151 reported crimes in Forsyth. This gave the city a crime rate of 3,736 per 100,000 persons. This is higher than the Georgia state crime rate of 3,402 per 100,000 persons and the United States national crime rate of 2,837 per 100,000 persons. Property crime is the most common crime in Forsyth.

The Forsyth Police Department is located on Kimball Street, and the Chief of Police is Eddie Harris.

Forsyth Police Department
200 S. Kimball Street
Forsyth, GA 31029

Forsyth Police Dept

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is located in Forsyth, and the sheriff is Brad Freeman. Divisions within the sheriff’s office include patrol, detention, support services, and criminal investigations.

Monroe County Sheriff’s Office
145 L Cary Bittick Drive
Forsyth, GA 31029

Monroe County Sheriff

The Monroe County Jail is located on the premises with the sheriff’s office, and the Captain of the Jail Division is Richard Coughenour. The jail can house up to 168 inmates.

Monroe County Jail

Monroe County Jail

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Forsyth, Georgia – Open Records Requests

Open Records Requests must be submitted through the City Clerk’s Office. It’s the City Clerk’s responsibility to ensure that accurate records are kept for the city. Regina Ivie is the current City Clerk.

City Clerk’s Office
26 North Jackson Street
Forsyth, GA 31029

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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