Lake City, Georgia Crime rates and statistics:
In 2016, the crime index in Jackson, Georgia was 409.5 which was higher than the United States average of 280.5.
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Lake City Crime Data
The total crime rate in Lake City was 6,286 total crimes for every 100,000 residents, which is higher than the average in the state of Georgia with 3,402 total crimes per 100,000 persons, and higher than the national average of 2,837 total crimes for every 100,000 citizens.
According to our research of Georgia and other state lists there was 1 registered sex offender living in Lake City, Georgia as of June 29, 2018. The ratio of number of residents in Lake City to the number of sex offenders is 2,768 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is a lot smaller than the state
Lake City Georgia Police Department
Chief David Colwell
Lake City Police Department
5455 Jonesboro Rd
Morrow, GA 30260
(404) 366-8035
Other Information about the Lake City Police Department:
Lake City Police Dept
Chief David Colwell began his law enforcement career in 1981. Since then, Chief Colwell has worked in almost every function of law enforcement such as; serving warrants and civil papers, jail division, uniform patrol, narcotics, internal affairs and training. Colwell joined the Lake City Police Department in 1995, where he served as the Uniform Patrol Division Commander until 2003. In 2003 Chief Colwell was appointed as Chief of Police. Chief Colwell has a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and holds a master’s degree in Public Administration. He is also a graduate of the Georgia Law Enforcement Command College. Chief Colwell is a member of the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police where he serves on several committees and as a district representative for the metro Atlanta area.
In 2016, there were 20 full-time law enforcement employees, 19 of whom were police officers. This means that in the year 2016 in there were 6.9 police officers for every 1,000 residents in Jackson, Georgia, while the state average in Georgia that same year was 2.50 officers for every 1,000 residents.
Open Records Request in Lake City Georgia:
For record requests in Lake City, Georgia, you can check this site to see what records are available and to see where your records request is if you have requested one:
Lake City Clerk
Eric Beckman, City Clerk
City Hall
5455 Jonesboro Rd
Morrow, GA 30260
(404) 366-8080
For records from different government agencies in Clayton County, Georgia:
Clayton County Court Clerk
Clerk of Court:
Jacquline D. Wills
Harold R. Banke Justice Center
9151 Tara Boulevard
Room 1CL25
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Phone: (770) 477-3395
County Sheriff, Most Wanted, Warrant Information
Sheriff: Victor Hill
Harold R. Banke Justice Center
9157 Tara Boulevard
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Phone: (770) 471-1122
Fax: (770) 477-4596
Clayton County Sheriff
Clayton County Jail
Jail Administrator
Major M. Felgenhauer
9157 Tara Blvd. Jonesboro, GA 30236
770-471-1122 Main Number
770-471-1122 Public Information Officer
770-477-4413 Jail Information
770-477-4480 Warrants
770-473-5828 Civil/Evictions
770-477-4464 Warrants/Civil Fax
Clayton County Jail Inmate Mail Policy
Information on inmate accounts at the Clayton County Jail:
Clayton County Inmate Accounts
For information on visitation with an inmate at the Clayton County Jail:
Clayton County Jail Inmate Visitation
Clayton County Most Wanted
If you think you have a warrant in Clayton County, you can check this list:
Clayton County Warrants
Clayton County Inmate Search