Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Lake Park Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Lake Park, Georgia Information

Lake Park, Georgia is in the county of Lowndes and as of the 2010 census, they had a population of 549. The city has a total area of 1.5 square miles, almost all of which is land. The city utilizes a sole zip codes of 31636 and a single area code of 229.

Lake Park is ranked #254 in Georgia and #16,853 in the United States with a livability score of 61, which is in the 42nd percentile. The Park scored best for great weather, education, and cost of living. The average summer temperature is a comfortable 79 degrees, the cost of living is two percent lower than the state of Georgia, and the high school graduation rate is two percent lower than Georgia’s.

The overall crime rate in Lake Park is 26% higher than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 9.77 daily crimes that occur in Lake Park. Lake Park is safer than 14% of the cities in the United States. In Lake Park you have a 1 in 29 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. The number of total year over year crimes in Lake Park has increased by 101%.

Of the factors which are used to determine the livability index, Lake Park does well in the areas of weather, education, and cost of living. It scores poorly in Employment, Housing, Education, Living, and Amenities.

Eric Schindler, Mayor
Lake Park City Hall
120 North Essa Street
Lake Park, Georgia 31636

Lake Park City Mayor

Lake Park, Georgia Crime rates and statistics:

In 2016, the crime index in Jackson, Georgia was 308.6 which was higher than the United States average of 280.5.

Read more:

Lake Park City Crime Data

The total crime rate in Lake Park was 3,567 total crimes for every 100,000 residents, which is higher than the average in the state of Georgia with 3,402 total crimes per 100,000 persons, and higher than the national average of 2,837 total crimes for every 100,000 citizens.

According to our research of Georgia and other state lists there were 22 registered sex offenders living in Lake Park, Georgia as of June 29, 2018. The ratio of number of residents in Lake Park to the number of sex offenders is 42 to 1.

Lake Park Georgia Police Department

Chief James Breletic, Police Chief
Lake Park Police Department
120 N Essa St
Lake Park, GA 31636

Other Information about the Lake Park Police Department:

Lake Park Police Dept

Southern policing at its best, located just off exit 5 on I-75. The Lake Park Police Department is the Gateway of the South located in the most southern hemisphere of the Stage of Georgia. The City of Lake Park was originally known as Twin Lakes and was officially formed and dubbed as “Lake Park” in 1890. Law Enforcement has come a long way from the horse and buggy to high speed police vehicles which are equipped with speed detective devices and other specialized emergency equipment.

In 2016, there were 4 full-time law enforcement employees, 4 of whom were police officers. This means that in the year 2016 in there were 5.49 police officers for every 1,000 residents in Jackson, Georgia, while the state average in Georgia that same year was 2.50 officers for every 1,000 residents.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Lake Park Georgia:

For record requests in Lake Park, Georgia, you can check this site to see what records are available and to see where your records request is if you have requested one:

Valdosta City Open Records Request

Teresa S. Bolden, CMC, City Clerk
216 E. Central Avenue
Valdosta, GA 31601
Fax: 229-259-5411

For records from different government agencies in Lowndes County, Georgia:

Lowndes County Clerk

K. Paige Dukes, CCC, County Clerk/PIO
327 N. Ashley St.
3rd Floor
Valdosta, GA 31601
Ph: 229-671-2400
Fax: 229-245-5222

County Sheriff, Most Wanted, Warrant Information

Ashley Paulk, Sheriff
120 Prison Farm Road
PO Box 667(31603)
Valdosta, GA 31601

Lowndes County Jail
120 Prison Farm Road
Valdosta, GA 31601-6534

Lowndes County Jail Mail Policy

Information on inmate accounts at the Lowndes County Jail:

Lowndes County Inmate Accounts

For information on visitation with an inmate at the Lowndes County Jail:

Lowndes County Jail Visitation

Most Wanted in Lowndes County:

Lowndes County Most Wanted

If you think you have a warrant in Lowndes County, you can check this list:

Lowndes County Warrants

Lowndes County Inmates

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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