Lenox, Georgia Crime Rates and Statistics:
There were an estimated 5,256 total crimes in Lenox last year per 100,000 residents. This is higher than the average in the state of Georgia which typically has 3,402 total crimes for every 100,000 citizens. The crime rate in Lenox is higher than the national average, with the national rate being 2,837 crimes per 100,000 people.
Breaking the crimes down farther, violent crimes, which include rape, murder, burglary, and robbery) occur an estimated 615 times in Lenox for every 100,000 residents. Again, this is higher than both the Georgia state average of 398 crimes per 100,000 citizens, and the U.S. average of 386 violent crimes per 100,000 individuals. Property crimes, which are usually more common than violent crimes, have an estimated rate of 4,641 crimes for every 100,000 residents. This is higher than the Georgia state average of 3,005 property crimes per 100,000 residents and higher than the national average of 2,451 property crimes for every 100,000 people.
As of April 2018, there were nine (9) registered sex offenders livings in Lenox Georgia, making the ratio of residents in Lenox to the number of sex offenders 95 to 1.
Facts about Crime in Lenox:
The overall crime rate in Lenox is 85% higher than the national average;
Lenox is safer than 11% of the cities in the United States;
The number of total year over year crime in Lenox has not changed; and
In Lenox, you have a 1 in 20 chance of becoming a victim of any crime.
Lenox, Georgia Police Department
Lenox Police Department
15 E. Colquitt Ave
P.O. Box 560
Lenox, GA 31637
229-546-3030 (non-emergency)
Other Information about the Lenox Police Department:
The Police Chief for the Lenox Police Department is Shane Daughtrey.
Open Records Request in Lenox, Georgia
Record requests in Cook County, Georgia, should be addressed to the Clerk of Superior Court, April Garrett. She can be reached at 229-896-7717.
Clerk of Superior Court
212 North Hutchinson Avenue
Adel, GA 31620
Phone: 229-896-7717
Fax: 229-869-7589
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Lenox, Georgia:
The Sheriff of Cook County is Sheriff Douglas G. Hanks who was elected Sheriff in 2012 . Sheriff Hanks can be reached at 229-896-7471.
Cook County Sheriff’s Office
1000 County Farm Road
Adel, Georgia 31620
Fax: 229-896-5178
Cook County Sheriff
Cook County Jail
1000 County Farm Road
Adel, Georgia 31620
Phone: 229-896-7471
Fax: 229-896-5142
Cook County Jail
An inmate roster of those incarcerated in Cook County Jail::
Cook County Inmate Roster
Some of the Rules at the Cook County Jail:
Visitation Hours:
1. Saturday – Female 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
Male (last name A – L) 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
2. Sunday – Trustee 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Kitchen Detail 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Male (last name M-Z) 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Visitation Rules – visitors must be 18 years old with a government issued picture identification. Visitors may NOT be either the victim or a witness in the case against the inmate. Visits are 30 minutes per inmate per week. Only one person at a time is allowed to visit an inmate. If more than one person shows up to visit during the scheduled time period it is up to the inmate to split their allotted 30 minutes between the visitors. Visits can be ended by the jail staff at any time;
Address for Inmate Mail:
1. Inmate’s Name
Cook County Jail
1000 County Farm Rd.
Adel, Georgia 31620
Rules regarding Inmate Mail: Mail that is sent to inmates will be opened and searched for contraband and once cleared will be delivered to the inmate. Mail from attorneys, the government and government officials, and courts of record will be opened in the presence of the inmate. While incarcerated inmates can send an unlimited amount of mail and stamps, envelopes, and pens are available to purchase through the commissary. These items can not be sent through the mail to the inmates and must be purchased through the commissary. Packages are not allowed and will be returned. Indigent inmates will be provided with writing materials upon request.
Telephone Use for Inmates: There is a telephone in the Cook County Jail and inmates may make unlimited collect phone calls during the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. with a limit of 15 minutes per phone call. Phone cards are available for purchase at the commissary;
Inmate Commissary: Commissary is a kind of prison grocery store where inmates can purchase hygiene products, writing supplies, snacks, phone cards, etc. Orders are taken on Wednesday and delivered on Friday. There is a $40 weekly maximum that can be spent on commissary, provided that the inmate has money in their account;
Money Orders – money orders can be sent to inmates through the U.S. Mail and will be deposited in the inmate’s commissary account.
Special Circumstances within the first seven (7) days of Incarceration: WIthin the first seven (7) days of incarceration, before the money has had time to be processed and be on their “books” or before the inmate can order from the commissary, certain items may be accepted in person for the inmate, with the approval of the Administrator of the jail or his designee. These items include:
1. 1 roll on deodorant (in a clear plastic container);
2. 1 shampoo (in a clear plastic container);
3. 1 bar of soap (bar only);
4. 1 Bible;
5. Writing Paper (spiral bound notebooks are not allowed);
6. 10 – pre-stamped envelopes;
7. 6 – pair of white socks;
8. 6 – white t-shirts (no tank tops and only plain white are allowed);
9. 6 – white briefs;
10. 6 – white sports bras (no underwire is allowed);
11. 8 – 3×5 photos (no Polaroids allowed);
12. 2 – pair of white Long John Underwear; and
13. 1 – tube of toothpaste.
Any other items must be purchased from the Jail Commissary. If you have any questions you should call the jail at 229-896-7471.
Most Wanted in Cook County:
Cook County Most Wanted
If you are concerned that you may have a warrant in Cook County, Georgia, you should contact the Sheriff’s Office at 229-896-7471.