Loganville, Georgia Crime rates and statistics:
There were 374 total crimes reported in Louisville in one year, meaning that the total crime rate in Loganville was 3.278 total crimes for every 100,000 residents, which is 4% lower than the average in the state of Georgia with 3,402 total crimes per 100,000 residents. When compared with the national average of 2,837 total crimes for every 100,000 citizens, it is 41% higher than the crime rate in Louisville, Georgia.
When we break this down further into violent crimes, which include murder, rape, robbery, and assault, and property crimes, theft, auto theft and burglary, Loganville has higher crime rates as well.
When it comes to violent crimes, Loganville, Georgia had 96 violent crimes for every 100,000 residents. The rate in Louisville is 76% lower than the Georgia state average of 398 violent crimes per 100,000 people and 75% lower than the average in the U.S. of 386 violent crimes for every 100,000 individuals. Property crimes are in Loganville, at 3,182 crimes per 100,000 people, is 6% higher than the average in Georgia (3,005 per 100,000 residents,) and 75% lower than the U.S. average of 2,451 for every 100,000 individuals.
As of March 2018, there were 62 registered sex offenders living in Loganville, Georgia. The ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders in Loganville was 182 to 1.
Loganville, Georgia Police Department
Loganville Police Department
605 Tom Brewer Road
Loganville, GA 30052
Other Information about the Loganville Police Department:
Mike McHugh is the Chief of the Loganville Police Department. Chief McHugh can be reached at 770-466-8087 or by fax 770-466-6679 or by email at mmchugh@loganville-ga.gov. Dick Lowry is the Assistant Chief.
In 2016, there were 33 full-time law enforcement employees in Loganville, 30 of whom were police officers. There were 2.63 officers for every 1,000 residents which was higher than the Georgia state average of 2,50 officers per 1,000 citizens.
Open Records Request in Loganville, Georgia:
For records in Loganville, Georgia:
Loganville City Record Request
For records from the Monroe Police Department:
Monroe City Open Records
Record requests from the Walton County, Georgia County Clerk, Rhonda Hawk, rhonda.hawk@co.walton.ga.us or 770-267-1371.
Record requests from Walton County, Georgia:
Walton County Records Requests
For records in Gwinnett County, Georgia:
Gwinnett County Records Requests
County Sheriff, Most Wanted, Warrant Information
The Sheriff of Walton County is Sheriff Joe Chapman. Sheriff Chapman was elected Sheriff in the year 2004 and has kept the position ever since. He can be reached at 770-267-1458.
Walton County Sheriff’s Office
1425 South Madison Avenue
Monroe, GA 30655
Walton County Sheriff
Sex Offender Registry in Walton County:
Walton County Sex Offenders
Wade Harris is the Jail Commander of the Walton County Jail. He can be reached at 770-267-1012 or wharris@co.walton.ga.us.
Walton County Detention Center
1425 South Madison Avenue
Monroe, GA 30655
Walton County Jail
To see a list of inmates in the Walton County Jail:
Walton County Inmate List
Security – The Walton County Jail takes security very seriously and inmates are allowed to have in their possession only materials which are authorized. Any other items that are either brought into the Walton County Jail or items which are inappropriate could result in prosecution of both the individual and the individual.
Visitation – Visitation is permitted with friends, family members, relatives, legal counsel and ministry. The dates and times will be posted inside of each cell and it is the inmate’s responsibility to notify visitors of the dates and times of visitation. You are allowed two members per visitation and each visitation period can last for 30 minutes. A child who is able to walk is considered to be a visitor. A valid picture ID is required when someone comes to visit (i.e. a Passport, a Driver’s License, or a State ID) and the visitor must be there at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning to the of visitation. If you are late your visit may be cut short or forfeited. If you do not comply with the instructions of the law officials your visitation privileges can be lost.
Visitors must wear appropriate clothing and are subject to search at any time. Visitors may not carry cell phones into the jail under any circumstances.
Visitation Schedule:
Cell 1 0800 – 0300
Cells 3 & 4 0830 – 0900
Cells 5 & 6 0900 – 0960
Cell 9 (Rooms 1-15) 1000 – 1030
Cell 9 (Rooms 16-31) 1030 – 1100
Cell 10 (Rooms 1-15) 1100 – 1130
Cell 10 (Rooms 16 – 31) 1300 – 1430
Cell 11 (Rooms 1 – 15) 1330 – 1330
Cell 11 (Rooms 16-31) 1400 – 1430
Cell 12 (Rooms 1 – 15) 1430 – 1500
Cell 12 (Rooms 16 – 31) 1500 – 1539
Work Release 1530 – 1600
Work Release 1430 – 1500
Cell 1 1500 – 1530
Cells 3 $ 4 1530 – 1600
Cells 5 & 6 1600 – 1630
Cells 7 & 8 1900 – 1930
Cell 9 (Rooms 1 – 15) 1930 – 2000
Cell 9 (Rooms 16-31) 2000 – 2030
Cell 10 (Rooms 1 – 15) 2030 – 2100
Cell 10 (Rooms 16 – 31) 2100 – 2130
Cell 11 (Rooms 1 – 15) 2130 – 2200
Cell 11 (Rooms 16 – 31) 2230 – 2300
Cell 12 (Rooms 1 – 15) 2230 – 2330
Cell 12 (Rooms 16 – 31) 2300 – 2330.
Inmate Services:
Health & Medical;
Food Services;
Legal Resources
Religious Activities;
Personal Property
Administrative Review; and
Mail Policy – some mail may be deemed unacceptable by prison authorities, especially those with pornographic pictures or gang activity on them. Mail such as these will not be given to the intended recipient and, if there is evidence of a crime, may be used to prosecute both the sender and the recipient of said mail. If you think that you may have a warrant out of Walton County, Georgia, you should call the Sheriff’s Department as soon as possible, at 770-267-6557.
Gwinnett County
The Sheriff of Gwinnett County is Keybo Taylor. Sheriff Taylor is in his first term as Sheriff. Sheriff Taylor can be reached at 770-882-3122 or via email at Keybo.Taylor@gwinnettcounty.com or at:
Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office
2900 University Parkway NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Gwinnett County Sheriff
For Sex Offenders in Gwinnett County:
Gwinnett County Sex Offenders
Gwinnett County Detention Center:
2900 University Parkway
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Mail Policy at the Gwinnett County Jail:
Gwinnett County Contacting Inmates
Information on inmate accounts at the Gwinnett County Jail:
Gwinnett County Inmate Accounts
For information on visitation with an inmate at the Gwinnett County Jail:
Gwinnett County Inmate Visitation
If you think you have a warrant in Gwinnett County, you should call the Sheriff’s Office at 770-619-6500, or you can check this list:
Gwinnett County Case Search