Crime in Manchester, Georgia:
In 2016, the crime index in Manchester was 243.1 when the average crime index in the U.S. was 278.0. The total crime rate in Manchester was 2,655 crimes for every 100,000 residents. This is 22% lower than the average in the state of Georgia of 3,402 crimes per 100,000 people and it is 6% lower than the national average of 2,837 crimes per 100,000 individuals.
In terms of violent crimes, the rate of 516 violent crimes for every 100,000 people in Manchester is 30% higher than the state of Georgia average of 398 per 100,000 citizens and 34% higher than the national average of 398 violent crimes per 100,000 citizens. Property crimes are lower in Manchester, 29% lower than the state average and 13% lower than the national average. There are 2,139 property crimes per 100,000 people in Manchester, the average in the state of Georgia is 3,005 crimes for every 100,000 citizens. The national average is 2,451 property crimes per 100,000 individuals.
As of March 2018, there were 14 registered sex offenders living in the city of Manchester.
Manchester, Georgia Police Department
Manchester Police Department
P.O.Box 366
120 Second Street
Manchester, GA 31816
Other Information about Manchester Police:
The Chief of the Manchester Police Department is Chief Raymond “Gray” Couch. Chris Jones is the Assistant Chief.
In 2016, there were 10 full-time police officers in the Manchester Police Department, meaning that there were 2.46 police officers for every 1,000 citizens. The average in the state of Georgia in 2016 was 2.5 officers per 100,000.
Open Records Request in Manchester, Georgia
Record requests from the city of Manchester should be brought the attention to the City Clerk. The current City Clerk is Lea Spell.
City Clerk
116 2nd Street
Manchester, Georgia 31816
Manchester City Clerk
Record requests for Meriwether County should be directed to the Clerk of Court, Kyemeshia (Kye) T. Gibson:
Meriwether Clerk of Court
100 North Court Square
P.O. Box 160
Greenville, GA 30222
Meriwether County Clerk of Court
Request requests for Talbot County should be directed to the Superior Court Clerk, Penny Dillingham Mahone, Clerk of Superior Court.
Talbot County Courthouse
P.O. Box 325
23 S. Washington Avenue
Talbotton, GA 31827
Fax: 706-665-8637
Talbot County Superior Court
County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Manchester, Georgia:
The Sheriff of Meriwether County is Sheriff Chuck Smith.
Meriwether County Sheriff’s Office
17400 Roosevelt Highway
Greenville, Georgia 30222
Meriwether County Sheriff
Meriwether County Sheriff’s Office
17672 Roosevelt Hwy
Greenville, GA 302222
Meriwether County Sheriff
For the Sex Offender registry of Meriwether County:
Meriwether County Sex Offenders
The Detention Center is under the control of Captain Gregg Luescher.
Meriwether County Correctional Division
17400 Roosevelt Hwy
Roosevelt, GA 30222
Meriwether County Jail
To send money to an inmate in the Meriwether County Jail:
Georgia Inmate Commissary Deposit
For information on the telephone system inside the jail:
Georgia Securus Technologies Inmate Phone System
For information on incarcerated veterans:
Georgia Incarcerated Veterans Info
For information on sending packages to inmates:
Georgia Info For Families and Friends of Offenders
For questions about inmate rights, or to speak with the local Ombudsman:
Georgia Ombudsman and Inmate Affairs
If you think that you may have a warrant in Meriwether County, you should call the local Sheriff’s Office at 706-672-4489.
The Sheriff of Talbot County, Georgia is Sheriff Justin Johnson.
Talbot County Sheriff Office
44 North Washington Avenue
Talbotton, GA 31827
Talbot County Sheriff
Sheriff Annex
1761 Geneva Highway
Talbotton, GA 31827
Talbot County Jail
Talbot County Jail
1761 Geneva Highway
Talbotton, GA 31827
For any questions regarding the jail or the inmates, you should contact the Sheriff’s Department at 706-665-8681.