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Morrow, Georgia, Information:
Morrow is a city in central Clayton County, Georgia. During the 2010 census, the population of Morrow was recorded at 6,445; however, estimates from the year 2016 show an increase in the population to around 7,275 residents.
In 2017, Morrow ranked #55 out of 4,811 of the “Most Diverse Suburbs in America,” #126 out of 15,393 of the “Most Diverse Places to Live in America,” #3 out of 449 of the “Most Diverse Places to Live in Georgia” #3 out of 110 “Most Diverse Suburbs in Georgia,” #3 out of 275 of the “Most Diverse Places to Live in the Atlanta Area,” and #3 out of the “Most Diverse Suburbs in the Atlanta Area.”
Morrow has a livability index of 63, which is considered to be “somewhat liveable” and it is below the average livability index in the state of Georgia of 67 and the average livability index nationally of 66.
Morrow does well in the following factors which make up the livability index: weather, amenities, cost of living, and education; however it does poorly on employment, housing and crime.
The Mayor of Morrow, Georgia is Mayor John Lampl. Mayor Lampl can be reached by email at or 678-902-0916.
Morrow City Hall
1500 Morrow Road
Morrow, Georgia 30260
Morrow City Mayor
Morrow, Georgia Crime Rates and Statistics:
In 2016, the crime index in Morrow was 693.0, far higher than the U.S. average of 280.5.
The national crime data that is reported in the table on crime rates is based on reported crime per 100,000 citizens so that both cities with large and small populations can be compared fairly. For example, there were only 769 reported total crimes in the city of Morrow in one year, yet due to the low population of the city, it actually equals 10,252 total crimes per 100,000 residents in Morrow. This rate is 201% higher than the average of the rate we normally find in the state of Georgia which is 3,402 crimes per 100,000 citizens and it is 261% higher than the national average.
Violent crimes, include rape, murder, robbery, and assault, occur at a rate of 800 crimes per 100,000 residents. This rate is 101% higher than the average rate across Georgia of 398 violent crimes for every 100,000 citizens and it is 107% higher than the 386 violent crimes per 100,000 residents that is the average nationally. Property crimes are also significantly higher in Morrow with 9,452 crimes for every 100,000 resident. The property crime rate is 215% higher in Morrow, Georgia than it is on average in the state of Georgia which has 3,005 property crimes per 100,000 citizens, and it is 286% higher than the national average of 2,481 crimes for every 100,000 persons in the nation.
As of March 2018, there were 44 registered sex offenders living within the Morrow City Limits. The ratio of the number of residents to the number of sex offender is 164 to 1.