Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Mount Vernon Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Mount Vernon, Georgia, Information:

Mount Vernon is a city in, and the county seat of, Montgomery County, Georgia. Mount Vernon is home to Brewton-Parker College and it on the western side of Montgomery County. During the 2010 census, the population of Mount Vernon was recorded at 2,451, but estimates from the year 2016 show a decrease in the population to 2,278 residents.

The livability index of Mount Vernon, Georgia is 76, which is considered “extremely livable,” and is higher than both the Georgia state average of 67 and the national average of 66.
Using letter grades, Mount Vernon receives the following grades in the factors which determine the livability factor:

“A” – Cost of Living and Weather;
“B” – Crime;
“C” – Amenities, Education, and Employment; and
“D” – Housing.

The Mayor of Mount Vernon, Georgia is Mayor Joey Fountain.

Mount Vernon City Hall
435 S. Railroad Ave.
Mount Vernon, GA 30445

Mount Vernon, Georgia Crime Rates and Statistics:

There were an estimated 1,962 total crimes for every 100,000 people in Mount Vernon, a rate that is lower than both the Georgia state average of 3,402 crimes per 100,000 residents and the national average of 2,837 crimes per 100,000 citizens. Violent crimes (rape, murder, assault, and robbery) had an estimated rate of 230 crimes for every 100,000 residents in Mount Vernon. This rate is again lower than both the Georgia state average of 398 violent crimes per 100,000 citizens and the United States average of 386 violent crimes per 100,000 individuals. Property crime rates follow a similar pattern. The rate of property crimes in Mount Vernon is an estimated 1,733 property crimes per 100,000 citizens while the Georgia state average is 3,005 property crimes for every 100,000 individuals and the national average is 2,451 property crimes per 100,000 people.

As of March 2018, there were seven (7) registered sex offenders living in Mount Vernon, Georgia.

Facts about crime in Mount Vernon:

The overall crime rate in Mount Vernon is 31% lower than the national average;
Mount Vernon is safer than 50% of the cities in the United States;
In Mount Vernon your chances of becoming the victim of a crime are 1 in 51; and
The number of total year over year crimes is Mount Vernon has not changed.

Mount Vernon, Georgia Police Department Address:

Mount Vernon Police Department
435 Railroad Avenue
Mount Vernon, Georgia 30445

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Mount Vernon, Georgia

For records in Montgomery County, you should speak with the Clerk of Superior Court, Tammy Foskey. She can be reached at 912-583-4401.

Clerk of Superior Court
Montgomery County Courthouse
U.S. Hwy 221 Montgomery Courthouse
P.O. Box 311
Mt. Vernon, GA 30445

Montgomery County Superior Court Clerk

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Mount Vernon, Georgia:

The Sheriff of Montgomery County is Sheriff Doug Maybin. Sheriff Maybin can be reached at 912-583-2521 or by email at

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 277
208 East Broad Street
Mt. Vernon, GA 30445

There is both a Montgomery County Jail and a Montgomery County Prison, both of which are under the control of the Georgia Department of Corrections.

Montgomery County Jail
208 Broad Street
Mount Vernon, GA 30445

Montgomery County Jail

Montgomery State Prison
650 Mt. Vernon/Alston Road
Mt. Vernon, GA 30445

If you have question or concerns about the rights or an inmate while they are incarcerated at a Georgia Department of Corrections Facility, you should contact the Ombudsman:

Georgia Ombudsman and Inmate Affairs

If you think that you may have a warrant in Montgomery County, you should call the Sheriff’s Department at 912-583-2521.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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