Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Pine Mountain Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Pine Mountain, Georgia Information:

Pine Mountain is a town located in both Harris and Meriwether counties in the state of Georgia. The part of Pine Mountain in Harris County is part o the Columbus, GA-AL Metropolitan Statistical Area and the portion in Meriwether County is part of the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell Metropolitan Area. Located on the eastern side of Georgia, along the Alabama-Georgia Border, it is home to Callaway Gardens and Pine Mountain Animal Safari.

In 2010, the population was recorded at 1,304, but estimates from 2016 show an increase of 70 citizens. The livability score in Pine Mountain, Georgia is 68, which is defined as “somewhat liveable.” Pine Mountain does well when it comes to amenities, cost of living, and weather; however, it scores poorly on housing, crime, and employment.

The Mayor of Pine Mountain, Georgia is Mayor James (Jim) W. Trot, Jr. He has been the Mayor since 2014 and served on the Town Council before that, from 2004 – 2013. He can be reached by email at

Pine Mountain Town Office
955 W. Harris Street
Pine Mountain, GA 31822

Crime in Pine Mountain, Georgia:

In 2015, the crime index in Pine Mountain was 232.8 which is a decrease from the year 2011, and it is lower than the U.S.average of 280.5.

There were 54 total crimes in Pine Mountain; however due to the low population the actual crime rate is higher. For example, if we were using a scale of 100,000 that would be 3,947 total crimes per 100,000 citizens. The state average in Georgia is 3,402 total crimes per 100,000 residents and the national average is 2,837 for every 100,000 people.

When speaking about violent crimes (rape, murder, assault, and burglary) Pine Mountain is again the leader with 439 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The Georgia state average is 398 crimes for every 100,000 residents and the U.S. average is 386 violent crimes for every 100,000 citizens. Property crimes continue the same trend. In Pine Mountain, here were 584.6 per 100,000 residents while the average in Georgia was 3,005 for every 100,000 individuals. The national average is 2.451 property crimes per 100,000 people.

The overall crime rate in Pine Mountain is 39% higher than the national average and Pine Mountain is safer than only 21% of the cities in the U.S.. In Pine Mountain, your chances of becoming a victim of a crime are 1 in 26.

As of February 2018. There were 7 registered sex offenders living in Pine Mountain, Georgia.

Pine Mountain, Georgia Police Department Address:

Pine Mountain Police Department
301 E. Chipley Street
Pine Mountain, GA 31822

Other Information about Pine Mountain Police:

The Police Chief of Pine Mountain is Chief Daniel Ferrone.

In 2016, there were ten (10) full-time law enforcement officers in Pine Mountain, including eight (8) officers. Therefore, in Pine Mountain there were 5.85 officers per 1,000 residents, which is higher than the state average of 2.50 officers per 1,000 residents.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Pine Mountain, Georgia

How to make an open records request:

Pine Mountain Open Records Request

Open records request form for Harris County:

Harris County Open Records Request

Record requests for Meriwether County should be directed to the Clerk of Court, Kyemeshia (Kye) T. Gibson:

Meriwether Clerk of Court
100 North Court Square
P.O. Box 160
Greenville, GA 30222

Meriwether Court Clerk

Record requests in Harris County should be directed to the Clerk of Court, Stacy K. Haralson
Clerk of Court
102 College Street
P.O. Box 528
Hamilton, GA 31811

Harris County Court Clerk

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Pine Mountain, Georgia:

The Sheriff of Harris County, Georgia is Sheriff MIke Jolley.

Harris County Georgia Sheriff’s Department
9825 GA-116
Hamilton, GA 31811

To search for sex offenders in you area:

Harris County Sex Offenders

The Harris County Jail is run in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Corrections.

Harris County Jail

9982 Highway 116
Hamilton, GA 31811

When sending money to inmates, only send money orders and please use the following address:

P.O. Box 286
Hamilton, GA 31811

Harris Inmate Mail Info

For information on the phone system:

Harris Inmate Phone Service

For information on inmate visitation:

Harris County Inmate Visitation

For Bonding information:

Harris County Bonding Info

For information on incarcerated Veterans who are in state custody:

Georgia Incarcerated Veterans Info

For questions about inmate rights or to speak with an Ombudsman:

Georgia Ombudsman and Inmate Affairs

Most Wanted in Harris County:

Most Wanted

If you are concerned you may have a warrant in Harris County, you should call the Sheriff’s Office at 706-628-4211.

The Sheriff of Meriwether County is Sheriff Chuck Smith.

Meriwether County Sheriff’s Office
17672 Roosevelt Hwy
Greenville, GA 302222

Meriwether County Sheriff

For the Sex Offender registry of Meriwether County:

Meriwether County Sex Offender Registry

The Detention Center is under the control of Captain Gregg Leuscher.

Meriwether County Correctional Division
17400 Roosevelt Hwy
Roosevelt, GA 30222

Meriwether County Correctional Division

To send money to an inmate in the Meriwether County Jail:

Meriwether Inmate Commissary Deposit

For information on the telephone system inside the jail:

Georgia Inmate Phone System

For information on incarcerated veterans:

Georgia Incarcerated Veterans Info

For information on sending packages to inmates:

Georgia Info For Families and Friends of Offenders

For questions about inmate rights, or to speak with the local Ombudsman:

Georgia Ombudsman and Inmate Affairs

If you think that you may have a warrant in Meriwether County, you should call the local Sheriff’s Office at 706-672-4489.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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