Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Sparta Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Information about Sparta, Georgia:

Sparta Georgia is in the center of Hancock County, Georgia and is the county seat of Hancock County. It is part of the Millidgeville Micropolitan Statistical Area. In the last official count, the 2010 census, the population of Sparta was 1,400; however estimates from 2016 show that the population has decreased to 1,281.

In 2017, Sparta ranked #337 of 449 of the “Most Diverse Places to Live in Georgia.”

Sparta, Georgia has a livability score of 63, which is below both the state average of 67 and the national average of 66. Sparta receives a grade of “A” when it comes to cost of living and weather, “B” when it comes to amenities, a grade of “D” regarding employment, and “F’ grades in the categories of crime, housing, and education.

The Mayor of Sparta is William Evans Jr.
City of Sparta
Town Hall
12912 Broad Street
Sparta, GA 30187

Mayor of Sparta

Crime in Sparta, Georgia:

In 2016, the crime index in Sparta was 302.0 compared with the national crime index of 251.8. Although there were only 43 reported crimes in the city of Sparta when you consider it’s small population it is a high crime rate. In fact, the total crime rate for Sparta is 3,373 per 100,000 people, which is higher than both the state (3,402 per 100,000 people) and the national average (2,837 per 100,000 people.)

The overall crime rate for Sparta is 19% higher than the national average and Sparta is safer than only 14% of cities in the United States. Your chances of being a victim of a crime in Sparta are 1 in 30, but the total year over year crimes have decreased by 18% in Sparta, Georgia.

As of January 2018, there were 56 registered sex offenders living in the city of Sparta.

Sparta, Georgia Police Address:

Sparta Police Department
365 Spring Street
Sparta, GA 31087

Other Information about the Sparta Police Department:

In 2016, there were four (4) full-time police officers in Sparta, Georgia. For every 1,000 residents in Sparta there were 3.14 officers which is higher than the state average in Georgia of 2.50 officers for every 1,000 residents.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Sparta, Georgia

For records request contact the Clerk of Superior Court

Sparta Court Clerks

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Sparta, Georgia:

The Sheriff of Hancock County, Georgia is Sheriff Tomlyn (Terrell) Primus.

The physical address of the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office
Hancock Sheriff’s Department
67 Spring Street
Sparta, GA 31087

Hancock County Jail

67 Spring Street
Sparta, GA 31087

Sparta is home to Hancock State Prison which is run by the Georgia Department of Corrections and has a capacity for 1,267 men. These men are 18 years or older and have been convicted of serious crimes. The convicted “Atlanta Child Killer” Wayne Williams is at Hancock State Prison.

Hancock State Prison
701 Prison Drive
Sparta, GA 31087

For an inmate roster, visitation information, information on phone calls to inmates, how to send money to inmates

Hancock State Prison Info

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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