Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Villa Rica Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Villa Rica, Georgia Information

Villa Rica, Georgia is located in both Carroll County and Douglas County, Georgia and is on the Georgia/Alabama border. The population of Villa Rica,Georgia was 13,956 during the 2010 census and grew to an estimated 15,200 by the year 2016.

In 2016, Villa Rica, Georgia ranked #32 of 110 of the “Most Diverse Suburbs in Georgia,” #44 of 110 of the “Best Suburbs to Buy a House in Georgia,” #44 of 110 of the “Suburbs with the Best Public Schools in Georgia,” #52 out of 110 of the “Best Suburbs to Raise a Family in Georgia,” #56 of 449 of the “Most Diverse Places to Live in Georgia,” #143 of 449 of the “Best Places to Buy a House in Georgia,” #169 of 449 of the “Best Places to Live in Georgia,” #32 of 110 of the “Most Diverse Suburbs in Atlanta Area,” and #44 of 110 of the “Best Suburbs to Buy a House in Atlanta Area,”

In 2015, the crime index in Villa Rica, Georgia was 287.0 which was close to the national average of 280.5. In terms of total crime, there were 4,180 crimes for every 100,000 residents in Villa Rica. This is higher than the average in the state of Georgia of 3,402 per 100,000 people and higher than the national average of 2,837 per 100,000 people. Both property crimes and violent crimes were higher in Villa Rica than they were in Georgia and in America.

In fact, the overall crime rate in Villa Rica is 47% higher than the average nationally and those in Villa Rica have a 1 in 24 chance of becoming the victim of any crime. However, Villa Rica is safer than 20% of the cities in the United States and the crime has decreased year over year in Villa Rica by 9%.

There were 67 registered sex offenders who live in Villa Rica, Georgia as of January 2018.

Villa Rica, Georgia Police Address:

The address for the Villa Rica Police Department is:
101 Main Street
Villa Rica, GA 30180

Other Information for the Villa Rica, Georgia Police Department:

In 2016, there were 40 police officers in Villa Rica. The average in the state of Georgia for police officers per 1,000 residents was 2.50 but Villa Rica’s average was 2.65 officers per 1,000 residents.

The Police Chief is Chief Michael Mansour, who can be reached by phone at 678-840-1310 or via email:

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Villa Rica, Georgia

For Open Records in the city of Villa Rica you should contact Alisa Doyal, the City Clerk. These requests can be faxed or emailed to She can be reached by phone at 678-840-1212.

Villa Rica City Clerk

For Open Records in Douglas County, there is a website with a portal at:

Douglas County Records Request

For Open Records in Carroll County, you may visit this website:

Carroll County Records Request

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Villa Rica, Georgia

As the city of Villa Rica falls in two counties, there are two county sheriffs and two jails.

The Douglas County Sheriff is Sheriff Tim Pounds. The Douglas County Sheriff’s address is:
8470 Earl D. Lee Blvd.
Douglasville, GA 30134

Information on the Most Wanted in Douglas County can be found here:

Douglas County Most Wanted

If you are concerned that you may have a warrant in Douglas County, you should check here:

Douglas County Warrants

The Douglas County Adult Detention physical address is:
8470 Earl D. Lee Blvd.
Douglasville, GA 30134

Captain Len Deese is the Division Commander of the Douglas County Adult Detention Center and can be reached at 770-920-4990.
Information regarding visitation, bonding companies, current inmates, the inmate phone system, and to search jail records, go to this website:

Douglas County Jail

The Sheriff of Carroll County, Georgia is Sheriff Terry Langley. He has served as the Sheriff of Carroll County since 2001.

The location of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office is:
1000 Newnan Road
Carrollton, Georgia 30116

Carroll County has two jails, the first and oldest is now used as a jail for female inmates and has the capacity for 85 inmates. It is located at:
1000 Newnan Road
Carrollton, Georgia 30116

The Carroll County Prison and Correctional Institute is located at:
96 Horsley Mill Road
Carrollton, GA 30117

The Warden of the Carroll County Prison and Correctional Institute is Warden Jeff Richards. Warden Jones can be reached at 770-830-5905 or via email at:

For rules about inmate visitation in the Carroll County Jail, Prison, or Correctional Institute, check this webpage:

Carroll County Inmate Visitation

Information on the Most Wanted in Carroll County, Georgia can be found here:

Carroll County Most Wanted

If you have information on these individuals, you are urged to contact Captain Vicky Steed at 770-860-5917 or via email at

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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