Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Perform a free Winterville Georgia arrest records search, including mugshots, jail inmates, recent arrests, and police blotter.

Winterville, Georgia Information

Winterville is in Clarke County, Georgia and, since 1991, Winterville is the only municipality that is located entirely within Athens-Clarke County. During the 2010 Census, the population of Winterville was 1,122 although it is estimated that it grew to nearly 1,200 by 2016.

Winterville ranked #20 of 373 of the “Safest Places to Live in Georgia,” #69 of 449 of the “Best Places to Buy a House in Georgia, #113 out of 449 of the “Best Places to Live in Georgia, and #351 of 9,932 of the “Safest Places to Live in America.”

The Mayor of Winterville, Georgia is Dodd Ferrelle. Originally from Wilson, North Carolina, he moved to Winterville in December of 2005 and was elected as Mayor on November 4, 2015. He was sworn in at City Hall on January 5, 2016. You can contact him at 706-742-8600 or by email:
Mayor Ferrelle also has a blog that is at:

Winterville City Mayor

While the National average crime rate per 100,000 people is 255.8, the average crime rate in Winterville, Georgia was only 46.5 in the year 2016. There are 11 registered sex offenders in Winterville, Georgia, yet the ratio of residents who are not sex offenders to those that are is 103 to 1.

Property crimes are more common than violent crimes in most cases and the same is true in Winterville. There was only one violent crime reported and only eight property crimes. That means that for every 100,000 residents of the town there are 85 violent crimes and 677 property crimes. This rate is below the state average of 398 per 100,000 for violent crimes and 3,005 per 100,000 for property crimes and below the national average of 386 per 100,000 for violent crimes and 2,451 per 100,000 residents for property crimes.

In 2016, there were only two full-time police officers in Winterville – meaning there were 1.69 for every 1,000 residents. The state average is 2.50, yet the crime rates in Winterville are below the state and national averages.

Crime in Winterville, Georgia:

The crime rate in Winterville overall is 73% less than the average nationally;
In Winterville your chances of being a victim of any crime is 1 in 132; and
Winterville is safer than 83% of the cities in the US.

Winterville, Georgia Police Station Information

The Chief of Police in Winterville is John G. Finley Jr.
Non-emergency phone number: 706-546-5900
Calls of an administrative nature should be directed to 706-742-5295.
The Winterville Police Department website is:

The Winterville Police Department is located at:
145 N. Church Street
P.O. Box 306
Winterville, GA 30683

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Open Records Request in Winterville, Georgia

To request records in Winterville you can go to this website which provides both directions and forms to obtain the records:

Winterville Records Request

For records within Clarke County you can go here:

Clarke County Records Request

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Winterville, Georgia

Ira Edwards is the Sheriff of Clarke County, Georgia.
The Sheriff’s Office physical address is:
325 E. Washington Street
Suite 125
Athens, GA 30601
Phone: 706-613-3250
He can be emailed at

For those who are either awaiting trial or are serving time in jail in Wintersville are held in the

Clarke County Jail

3015 Lexington Road
Athens, GA 30605

Visitation is available during scheduled hours after the visitor has registered to visit.
The times of visitation are:
Monday – Friday:
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday:
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

The Clarke County Jail has a strict dress code, but as a general rule in all jails it is wise to dress modestly and in clothes without slogans or certain colors that have gang associations. Clarke County makes it a point to remind visitors to wear shirts, shoes, and underwear.
Other rules include (found at
Jogging, wind, or soccer shorts; spandex clothing; tights, leotards, or other dancewear; or bathing swimwear skirts with a hemline more than four inches above the knee;
Tank, spaghetti-strap, mesh, or midriff (revealing the bare midriff of the visitor when both arms are raised) shirts;
Sheer, see-through, or revealing clothing;
Clothing with visual or written messages referring to illicit drugs, alcohol, weapons, violence, vulgar or obscene language or images, gang affiliation or culture, or insults to another race, religion, gender, or ethnicity;
Hats or hoods;
Clothing similar to law enforcement, inmate, or medical staff uniforms; and
Double-layered clothing (more than one set of pants, shorts, shirt, socks, or footwear.)
If you have or think you have a warrant in the city of Winterville you may contact the court at 706-742-8600 Monday – Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. to find out the cost of your fine. If you do NOT have a court appearance then you have three options for paying the fine:
1. Mail a personal check, cashier’s check, or money order to:
City of Winterville
PO Box 306
Winterville, GA 30683
2. You can pay in person with cash, money order, cashier’s check, debit, or credit card:
City of Winterville
125 North Church Street
Winterville, GA 30683
3. Pay online via a third party which can be found at:

Winterville Municipal Court

If a court appearance is required then you can contact the court at 706-742-8600.

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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