Wrens, Georgia Police Station Information and Crime Rate Statistics
The crime index in Wrens is a staggering 566.6. The national average is 278.0 so Wrens is a city with quite a bit of crime. As of December 18th, 2017, there are 20 registered sex offenders living in Wrens, making the ratio of number of residents to sex offenders 106 to 1.
The city of Wrens received a grade of “F’ in the area of crime. Although there were only 121 reported crimes last year, the low population makes the annual crime rate extremely high. In Wrens, the annual crime rate is 5,972 per 100,000 residents. This is higher than the annual crime rate in the state of Georgia which is s 3,402 per 100,000 residents and is 2,837 nationally.
The majority of these crimes are property crimes, an estimated 5,577, compared with the rest of the state at 3,005 and 2,451 nationally. Violent crimes are lower than property crimes in Wrens, but they are still high. The rate of violent crimes was an estimated 395 per 100,000 residents in Wrens, 398 per 100,000 residents in Georgia, and 386 nationally.
Crime rate in Wrens, Ga:
The overall crime in Wrens is 111% higher than the national average;
For every 100,000 people, there are 16.36 crimes on a daily basis in Wrens;
Wrens citizens have a 1 in 17 chance of being the victim of a crime; and
The number of total year over year crimes in Wrens has increased by 42%.
There are ten law enforcement employees in Wrens, four of whom are PoliceOne Members.
The Chief of Police in Wrens was Gary McCord; however he is now facing felony charges. Jim Votaw who was the Assistant Chief is the acting Chief of Police and can be found at:
Wrens Police Department Address:
401 Broad Street
Wrens, GA 30833
Phone Number: (706) 547-3232
Email address: wrenspd@cityofwrens.com.
The Sheriff of Jefferson County is Gary Hutchins, who has been the Sheriff since January 1, 1993.
The physical address of the Sheriff’s Office is:
911 Clarks Mill Road
Louisville, GA 30434
Jail Information:
The city of Wrightsville is served by the County Jail, but Wrightsville is also home to Johnson State Prison which is operated by the Georgia Department of Corrections for male felons.
The local county jail is under the Sheriff’s Department. The physical location is:
911 Clarks Mill Road
Louisville, GA 30434
Jefferson County Jail
The jail was built in 2004 and has the capacity to hold 126 inmates.
Visitation at the jail depends on which dorm the person is housed, Those in dorms A, B, C, and D can have visitors on Tuesday and Sunday from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. and from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
For those who are in dorms E or F visitation is Wednesday and Saturday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Inmates can have one 30 minute visit per day and all visitors must bring a photo ID.
You must be on the inmate’s list of visitors, which can include three adults and three 13-16 year-old children.
Jefferson County, Georgia Jail:
Jefferson County Jail Division
Open Records Requests in Wrens, Georgia/ Jefferson County, Georgia
Jefferson County has a website that can assist you in getting your questions answered at:
Jefferson County Records Requests
You can also request open records in writing or in person:
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 72
Louisville, GA 30434
Or at the:
Jefferson County Commissioners
Open Records Request
P.O. Box 658
Louisville, GA 30434
Lookup Warrants in Wrightsville, Georgia
For information on outstanding warrants, you can call the Sheriff’s Office Records Division at 478-625-7538.