Wrightsville, Georgia| Police Station Information and Crime Rate Statistics
In 2012, the city of Wrightsville had a crime rate of 263.1. This is higher than the U.S. average of 257.8. As of December 17th, 2017, there are 54 registered sex offenders living in Wrightsville, making the ratio of number of residents to sex offenders 40 to 1.
The crime rate of Wrightsville, Georgia appears to have declined over the years. The annual crime is estimated to be 2,501 per 100,000 residents. The annual crime rate in Georgia is 3,402 per 100,000 residents and is 2,837. The majority of these crimes are property crimes, an estimated 2,208, compared with the rest of the state at 3,005 and 2,451 nationally. Violent crimes are even lower with an estimated 293 per 100,000 residents in Wrightsville, 398 per 100,000 residents in Georgia, and 386 nationally.
Wrightsville was ranked #61 out of 373 of the “Safest Places to Live in Georgia.”
As of 2014, there were six full-time law enforcement employees in Wrightsville, with five of those being police officers. That comes out to a total of 1.36 officers per 1,000 residents, which is lower than the state average of 2.51 per 1,000 residents. Three of those officers are PoliceOne Members.
The Chief of Police in Wrightsville is
Wrightsville Police Department Address:
2566 East Elm Street
Wrightsville, GA 31096
Phone Number: (478) 864-2502
Email address: wrightsvillepd@bellsouth.net
Wrightsville City Website
The Sheriff of Johnson County is Rusty Oxford, who can be reached at rusty@johnsonso.com.
The physical address of the Sheriff’s Office is:
230 Donovan-Harrison Road
Wrightsville, GA 31096
Jail Information:
The city of Wrightsville is served by the County Jail, but Wrightsville is also home to Johnson State Prison which is operated by the Georgia Department of Corrections for male felons.
The local county jail is under the Sheriff’s Department. The physical location is:
230 Donovan Harrison Road
Wrightsville, GA 31095
A list of warrants can be found here:
Johnson County Warrants
Johnson County, Georgia Jail:
Johnson County Jail
Open Records Requests in Wrightsville, Georgia
Johnson County has an excellent website with many links that can assist you in getting your questions answered at:
Johnson County Website
Furthermore, the Clerk of Superior Court, Patricia Glover, can be reached at 478-864-3484.
Lookup Warrants in Wrightsville, Georgia
To check for outstanding warrants you can contact the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office at 478-864-3941. You can also look at the Sheriff’s website at:
Johnson County Warrants Lookup