Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More


Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Taliaferro County GA. Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Incarceration Date, Scheduled Release, Jail Housing Location, Court.

Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office and Jail Information In Georgia

Taliaferro is a county in the State of Georgia. According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 195 square miles (510 sq. km). The county seat of Taliaferro is Crawfordville. The largest city of Taliaferro County is Crawfordville. Taliaferro County had a population of approximately 1,680 in the year 2010.

Crime Statistics of Taliaferro County, Georgia

2018 Violent Crime Rate Taliaferro: 253
Data Source: Uniform Crime Reporting – FBI

Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office Information

Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office

Marc Richards, Sheriff
Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office
758 Warrenton Rd. SE
Crawfordfille, GA 30631
Phone: 706-456-2345
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Taliaferro County Sheriff

Taliaferro County Jail Information

Taliaferro County Jail is located in Taliaferro County, Georgia. The physical location of the Taliaferro County Jail is:

Taliaferro County Jail
758 Warrenton Rd. SE
Crawfordfille, GA 30631
Phone: 706-456-2345

Taliaferro County Jail

Taliaferro Most Wanted

The most wanted offenders are listed according to last name, first name, middle name, DOB, sex, race, hair color, eye color, height, weight, convictions, etc.

Taliaferro Current Inmates

The inmates are listed according to name, status, sex, height, weight, arrest date and time, days in jail, arresting officer, and bond.

Taliaferro Sex Offenders

The sex offender list has information about the offender’s name, age, height, address, crime, conviction date, and, county of conviction, city, state, zip code, sex offenders’ address, registration date, etc.

Taliaferro Sheriff Employment

Taliaferro Employment Form

All completed employment applications should be submitted to:

Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office
758 Warrenton Rd. SE
Crawfordfille, GA 30631
Phone: 706-456-2345

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office Open Records Request

We have not found any records/reports regarding Taliaferro County Sheriff’s Office. However, Open records can be collected from the Taliaferro County Board Of Commissioners. Requests for records can be made by completing and submitting the Open Records Request Form.

The location and records request contact information is as follows:

Taliaferro County Board Of Commissioners
Ruby Randolph, Clerk
P.O. Box 114
Crawfordville, GA 30631
Phone: (706) 456-2229
Fax: (706) 456-2904

Taliaferro County Commissioners

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrants, Mugshot & More

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